Monday, February 25, 2008


“If You Want Any Chance Of Walking Away from Your Divorce with Your Life,Finances & Relationship With Your Kids Intact You Must Read This Manual Now!”...and you don't risk a cent in doing so
What Your Ex and her Lawyers don’t want You to know......and no-one else tells You until it’s too late!
Divorce Can Be Like War And Statistically If You Are A Man Who Doesn't HaveThe Right Information, You Are Likely To Lose - A Great Deal! Here is "The Right Information" written by Men's Divorce Secrets Expert,John Mckenzie!
If you are about to divorce a woman there is a great risk that you will...
Lose Your Home
Lose Your assets and savings
Lose Your Valuable personal possessions
Lose a fortune in legal costs
Lose a big percentage of your income
Lose decent access to your children
Lose Your ability to take out large loans
Lose Your ability to think straight

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 From: John McKenzie
Quite frankly without the Men's Divorce Secrets Manual you don't stand a chance! - Just look at the outcomes in most divorce cases. The scales are tipped against you and without the right information you can get screwed in court.
Unless you have piles of money laying around to pay a top drawer lawyer - you are not going to get the vital information you need to defend yourself from the prejudice of the female friendly family court system.

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It Doesn't matter if you feel overwhelmed, If you don't want to go to court, feel like the worlds against you or you are already involved in the legal process.. I URGE YOU TO TAKE NOTICE OF THIS MESSAGE.By the time I got this book in my hands it was almost too late. I had, through ignorance, broken 12 of John's 21 rules which meant my ex-wife had control of my money, our daughters welfare and the next 15 years of my financial life. Luckily all wasn't lost and I implemented many of John's Strategies which gave me the tools I needed to win back access to my daughter.Without John's book Men's Divorce Secrets to help you prepare for divorce you are almost guaranteed to lose.Don't make the same mistakes I did. Name and identity withheld to protect my Privacy and that of my Daughters'
In Men's Divorce Secrets you will learn:
An immediate checklist of steps to take to safeguard your own and your children's interests.
Strategies for your to protect your financial issues
Strategies for Residence and Care of your children in their best interests.
How to document your case and why
How To Plot information (Patterns of Behavior) and Why
How To Gather evidence
How to write Affidavits
How To Dress for Success in Court and Why
How To Hire a Lawyer
How to Evaluate Your Lawyer and find out if you have an Effective One
How To Negotiate Fees
How To Work With and Instruct Your Lawyer
How To Represent Yourself in Court
How To Understand The Family Court Process and What To Do In Each Phase
Understand Family Court Orders for Residence, Contact, Specific Issues
What to Do at Directions Hearings
Know What Happens at Trial
Know How to deal with Psychiatric or Psychological ‘Experts' and their reports.
It's sad but true: There is prejudice out there. Society still regards women as having a special mothering instinct. But, parenting is learned behavior and biology is not destiny. However, if you are a father seeking sole residence, joint residence, enforced contact, increased contact - whatever, you will need to become knowledgeable about the legal system and its participants to be successful.
So Who am I and how did I become involved and what makes me an ‘expert’ in this?
At the time of writing this, I am 46 years old. I have led an eclectic life doing everything from negotiating million-dollar investment contracts in the futures markets to bottling Coca Cola as a factory hand.I was married, but not divorced. She died of cancer at a very young (for me) age. Therefore I have no particular axe to grind with the Family Courts.I have been working for an international human rights organization for 7 years dealing with the law as a human rights advocate. I have made numerous presentations to Parliamentary Committees as well as written presentations to the Parliaments of New South Wales, and Commonwealth of Australia.
This Is Vitally Important and Secret Information For Every Man Facing Divorce!The information contained in this manual would cost you thousands of dollars to obtain through the legal system. You will be kicking yourself if you don't Learn these secrets now - then find out later you wasted a fortune instead!
I recommend to all of my clients to get and study (this guide). It gives them the knowledge they need to fully understand and deal with their legal matter effectively. It makes it much less stressful when you know the rules and strategies. It also really saves yours legal costs when you know the system. Rochelle Macredie Solicitor, Sydney NSW
I discovered and handled a lot of psychiatric abuses of patients and their families. This required really understanding the law, and the institutions administering (or not as was frequently the case) the law to get results for my clients.As well as dealing with abuses in the guardianship system, I got calls from Dads who were being screwed in the family courts by these same reports and testimony.By the time I got told about it, it was usually too late to get things changed. Once the report is written and accepted. It is very difficult to get it unwritten or rewritten. These guys needed to know what to do BEFORE they agreed to a family report or an ‘expert report’.So where I could, I advised these guys to do exactly what I am about to tell you in this essential reference guide –“Men’s Divorce Secrets”. That is if you want to survive the battle ahead with some pride, dignity and money.
What is contained in this manual might seem outrageous right now, but you will thank me later.You will learn the essential strategies and tips I have learned from experience. These are the most practical things that you must do to protect yourself in this divorce war.
This is Essential — Make No Mistake.
(Please Note: Men's Divorce Secrets e-book is an electronic download)
The family court is an adversarial system which means somebody wins and somebody loses.
There are three players and two winners in this legal game. The only real winner is the legal system. Then one of the parties wins, what’s left and the other party loses.Getting divorced is moving into a new and difficult world. A world of legal rules and tremendous emotional pressures. A world that will change the way you live, the way you think and the way you do things.
You have to change your mind set.
The tactics used can be very dirty business and you do not want to be on the receiving end of it. With The Men's Divorce Secrets Manual as Your Guide you will not be outwitted by some sharp lawyer paid for by you or by legal aid.You will have to learn the right way to keep evidence. You will have to evidence all the things you do with your children, your former partner and any other key people in relation to your divorce.You will have to know how to keep track of everything you do, everywhere you go, and who you have contact with. You probably will not believe it but this includes things like; every time you do the dishes, do laundry, buy groceries, help the children with homework, or do other things for or with the children.
You will need to be able to show that you are an involved father.
And if the mother is gone a lot you are going to have to make sure you document that, too in the correct way – don’t worry I’ll show you how to do all of this correctly.
I will Help You
I will help you to see the pitfalls and traps. Traps that you may never be able to get out of and will require you to live with for the rest of yours’ and your children’s lives, unless you handle the situations correctly from the very beginning.There is a real danger of making irrational or uninformed decisions when stressed. Don’t try to handle everything yourself. Now is not an appropriate time to be staunch and self-reliant.Many men, who talk to me after things went horribly wrong, say things like, “I just couldn’t think straight,” or “my brain wasn’t working properly”.
Let me ask you these Real FAQ's. What would you advise?
Q Do you allow your soon to be Ex to take the children and leave? — Yes or No?Q She says, “I think you should move out, now” Do you go? — Yes or No?Q Should you insist on 50% residency and parenting now? — Yes or No?Q Do you agree to pay child support now? — Yes or No?Q Should you sign any reasonable sounding request? — Yes or No?Q Do you need to get a solicitor first, now, immediately? — Yes or No?Q Why not pay child support now? They are your children too.Q Should you move your personal papers and records to another location? — Yes or No?Q Why do you need a daily journal?Q Do you really need your own PO Box or separate mailing address? — Yes or No?Q Why do you need your own bank account?Q Could you be falsely accused of something? — Yes or No?Q Do you need to safeguard any jointly owned property? — Yes or No?
“Men's Divorce Secrets” answers each of these questions and many more clearly and in-depth.
Don't fall prey to this trap!... I’ll show you who to get support and advice from in order that you make sensible decisions and agreements. But you also need to know who to stay away from. Some professional’s records can be subpoenaed and used against you to prove you are an unfit parent! - Don't fall prey to this trap!Remember Divorce is War and over 90% of times Men lose.
If you don’t want to be annihilated you need to know what weapons can be used against you and who you can trust. The Secret Knowledge for Divorcing Men is -"Men's Divorce Secrets" is essential reading if you want to have a say about your kid's lives, your financial future, your home and possessions, and your life from now on.Click here $47.00 Through ClickBank's Secure ServerInstant access Even if its 2am
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I know that if you knew for sure that the answers to Your Life, Finances & Relationship With Your Kids Intact was in this book you'd want to have it. That's why I want you to have a chance to read the book before you decide if you'll keep it.
This Book comes with a 56 day (8 weeks) 100% Money Back Guarantee. Read the book cover to cover and try the strategies risk free. If the strategies and information in the book aren't helpful to you -- we'll cheerfully refund your money.
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John McKenzie

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